
Our advanced anti-malware engine will protect your digital world against infections caused by many types of malware

Real-Time Antivirus

Checks downloads, install and executables for viruses each time your computer accesses them

Spyware Removal

Spyware software's sole purpose is to gather information about you to share it with other entities that can financially benefit from it

Adware Cleaner

Adware, or software created to aggressively advertise at you, is often unknowingly downloaded and can be very hard to remove


Avoid becoming a victim of malicious attacks which encrypt users’ files and demand a ransom payment to decrypt them

Remote Firewall

Gain remote access to your devices firewall settings, allowing you to easily block or unlock connection requests

Browser Security

Phishing or 'spoofing' sites imitate real websites in order to steal data. Safe Site analyzes and blocks any suspect websites

100% Compatible

Benefit from our advanced antivirus protection across your desktop computer, laptop, smartphone & tablet


Like we said earlier, Norton has 25 years of experience so you’d expect a reliable, stable and quality product. However, some reports say differently. Norton has been known to detect completely benevolent software as being malicious and by doing so leaves the software useless. It’s not always better to be safe than sorry, especially not in this case.


Norton have a top-notch support section on their website, head over to the Need Help? menu on the navigation bar where you will be introduced to categoric support, from help with Downloading/Installing to Threat removal. However, if you haven’t got the time to explore the website for your query, then you have the ability to search the whole support site. If none of this interest you, or maybe you just want to be in contact a human who can give you a definite answer, scroll on down to the bottom of the page where you will find Contact Support.

Customer Review

  • review image


    Financial Software Editor

    Norton Antivirus has been protecting my computer since 1998 and it works across all PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets, but you will have to upgrade to the deluxe or premium version to protect multiple devices.

  • review image

    Josh Miang


    Best buy if you are looking for Improved tech support, Easy to use interface, Average overall protection. In fact, Norton continues to evolve every year and with a huge improvement to their tech support offering, they're making strides in ways most competitors aren't.

  • review image

    Richard Patterson


    Far more than a standalone antivirus program, Norton Security comes with support for Macs and Android devices, a password manager, social media and diagnostic tools and much more besides. Highly rated by independent test labs, the price could definitely be right if you shop around for a good deal.

  • review image


    Financial Software Editor

    Norton Antivirus has been protecting my computer since 1998 and it works across all PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets, but you will have to upgrade to the deluxe or premium version to protect multiple devices.

  • review image

    Josh Miang


    Best buy if you are looking for Improved tech support, Easy to use interface, Average overall protection. In fact, Norton continues to evolve every year and with a huge improvement to their tech support offering, they're making strides in ways most competitors aren't.

  • review image

    Richard Patterson


    Far more than a standalone antivirus program, Norton Security comes with support for Macs and Android devices, a password manager, social media and diagnostic tools and much more besides. Highly rated by independent test labs, the price could definitely be right if you shop around for a good deal.